Golinks Naming Conventions

When creating a go link, it is important to name it something that can easily be remembered by your team. Selecting the right name can be the difference between teammates quickly accessing your go link, or having to search GoLinks just to find a link. We recommend keeping the go links name short and intuitive. To help create a memorable name, you should be aware of the following naming constraints:

Golinks naming conventions can only have the following characters:

  • A through Z
  • Number 0 through 9
  • underscore character _
  • dash character –
  • Any ASCII character supported by most languages

There are also some additional requirements:

  • No emojis
  • No special characters other than _ and –
  • You will see "d" is reserved for our directory. Select another link name. if you try to create go/d
  • Only lowercase characters can be used
  • No spaces


  • Why does it say that the golink already exists, but the punctuation is different?
    • A golinks name will resolve regardless of the underscore or dash characters when using it as a redirect. You can create a golink name with punctuation, for example go/all-hands, and any of the equivalent golinks will resolve. For example go/all_hands or go/allhands. This pattern helps remove confusion when shared verbally. For this reason, you may not create duplicate golinks with different punctuation.
  • I received the error “d” is reserved for our directory. Select another link name.
    • The golink go/d is reserved for the golinks directory, so it cannot be used. You can use any other single character for your golink needs but this one is reserved for implementation purposes.
  • Can I use emojis in golinks?
    • At this time you cannot use emojis in golinks
  • Can I use Japanese characters in golinks?
    • Yes! You can create and use golinks in any language.
  • Does golinks work with Armenian characters?
    • Yes! Golinks work in all languages
  • Do golinks work in any language?
    • Golinks can be created and resolved in any language. The default language for the app is English, but the Chrome Browser can translate the dashboard in any other language.

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