Blog > Productivity > Do we really need Google?

Do we really need Google?

Today SpaceX successfully completed the SAOCOM 1A MISSION. If you wanted to learn more about this mission, you’d have an infinite number of resources at your fingertips.

Without even thinking about it, our natural habit is to do the following:

  1. Go to
  2. Type “SpaceX” into the search bar
  3. Be presented with link after link of SpaceX related resources.

You could get to that link even faster if you just type “” directly into the address bar. It’ll probably get you to where you need to go.

Did you accidentally type “Space Ex” instead? Google will automatically ask you “Did you mean SpaceX?”

In today’s world, anything you need to find is just a few keywords away.

Need to know when your package is arriving? Type in usps tracking

Need to perform a quick speed test? Type in speed test

Need to find out the CEO of Tesla? Type in tesla ceo

If you want to learn more about it, Google is right there for you. But can you imagine a world without Google?

Imagine if this was the case. How could you find out the latest tax information? You’d probably go ask your friends, family or coworkers. But in a world without Google, their knowledge is only an extension of what their friends or family know. Maybe they refer you to an expert who studied tax law for a living and can charge you a nominal rate. But maybe all you really need to know is where you should mail your 1040 EZ.

You could go to the library, learn how to use the Dewey decimal system and then read through pages and pages of tax code until you find the one mailing address.

Without Google you would be 1000x slower at finding information and learning new topics. You’d spend countless hours and unnecessary effort just searching for information.

So the answer is “Yes! Of course we need Google!”

Google is the glue that binds the internet together. You don’t even notice the connection that all your information has because Google is just a natural part of the learning process.

You’re reading an article on Airspace Magazine about how the Falcon 9 experienced a RUD. What’s a RUD? You type into the Address Bar “SpaceX RUD” and are immediately presented with Elon Musk’s definition on Twitter.

Airspace Magazine → Google → Twitter

Google is the bridge that gets you from “The Question” to “The Answer” for anything on the internet.

So the real question is:

“Why aren’t we doing this at work?”

You get an email from your manager:

“Let’s go over that TPS report next week.”

TPS Report?

You ask your coworker sitting next to you. “Hey what’s a TPS report?” They shrug, “Go ask Daniel, he probably knows” Daniel doesn’t know either. You search on Google but nothing relevant shows up because it’s jargon that only your company uses.

Maybe you search your email to see if other people are talking about TPS reports. Only that 1 email shows up. It’s like we’re back in the days before Google.

You spend your entire day asking and looking for important information instead of being productive.

Imagine a scenario where your company uses GoLinks, you would follow the same exact steps you already know from Google!

  1. Open up
  2. Type “TPS” into the search bar.
  3. Be presented with link after link of TPS related resources from your company.

You could get to that link even faster if you just type “go/TPS” directly into the address bar. It’ll probably get you to where you need to go.

Did you accidentally type “TPX” instead? GoLinks will automatically ask you “Did you mean TPS?”

GoLinks is the glue that binds the intranet together. With GoLinks you’d be able to figure out that a TPS is actually a Technical Phone Screen and not a reference to the movie Office Space.

TPS Email → GoLinks → Technical Phone Screen

GoLinks is the bridge that gets you from “The Question” to “The Answer” for anything on the intranet.

Stop wasting time looking for information and get your internal search up in no time at

We are the team behind GoLinks. Get started creating and sharing go/links within your company. Turn inefficient communication into easy to find golinks. Get started now at

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